WaterCAD 2024 Help

SCADA Elements

Define the SCADA element using the following properties:

Target Element: The domain element that the SCADA Signal targets.

Real-Time Signal: The signal returning realtime values for the selected attribute.

Historical Signal: The signal returning historical value(s) for the selected attributes.

Target Element (Storage Unit): Displays the storage unit used by the target element.

Field: The attribute of the target element that the SCADA signal relates to.

Note: The Tank Status target field is derived from either a tank level or tank HGL signal. The application finds the closest signal values to the model time within 1 hr of the current model time step, and calculates the average slope. If the slope is greater than 0 is assumed to be filling, if less than 0 the tank is emptying, otherwise the application assume the status is Stagnant. Commonly, two signal elements are be applied to a tank: One which maps to the HGL/Level signal to the level/HGL target field, and another which maps the same signal to the Tank Status field.